Note: The full Playgrounds 2 database may be easier to search in and enter data into than the Playgrounds dashboard. Start by clicking on the first of these pages (the full database).
Search the database to see if the playground you're at is already in the database. Note that initially I imported all playgrounds from the Edmonton Open Data Catalogue, so most Edmonton playgrounds should have a skeleton that just needs to be filled out.
If you don't see it, click "New" to add a new entry.
Enter the name of the playground (generally speaking don't include the word "playground" but do include "park" if the official name includes the word park). To confirm the official name, you can check the sign at the playground or Google Maps.
Count all the primary (thickest) posts in the playground structures not including swings. If one structure has thinner posts than another, but those are the thickest for that structure, count them, but if a structure has lots of thicker posts and a few smaller supporting posts (on slides for example, which is common), don't count the smaller ones. It's often easier to go zone by zone, or do this twice to double check. Add this number to the "Main Posts" column.
Count the other pieces that are not physically attached to the structures with the main posts (this includes climbers, rocks, logs, step stools (if they aren't connected, and other pieces). Add this to the relevant column.
Count the slides. Two slides that are attached count as two.
Count all the spray park pieces that actually put out water but don't include pieces that are flush with the ground (although I'm re-thinking this - contact me if you have an opinion on it). Add this number to the "spray pieces" column.
Count the baby swings and non-baby swings and add them to the relevant columns. Large circular swings, tire swings, and swings for people with disabilities are non-baby swings.
Add the primary building material.
Add the Google Maps link. Try to just add the link, but if you're on mobile and in a rush, it's easier to include the full thing that copies out of Google Maps. We can clean this down to just the link later.
Find the exact latitude and longitude - try to get close to the center of the playground for this. Google Maps works well to find it. If you only include the Google Maps link, we can get the latitude and longitude later.
Don't worry about "Distance from SE Greenfield" or "Driving Distance from SE Greenfield".
In the "Notes" column, briefly describe the most unique features or play pieces.
Add the city.
Enter the date logged.
Add a few photos in the Photo column and also add the best one as the header for the page. Try to get as much as the playground into the photo as possible with as few children as possible. I find doing a "panorama" photo works well for larger playgrounds.
Pick any arbitrary rating.